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VICTOR CHUNG - Nose Job (Rhinoplasty) in SAN DIEGO, CA

Dr. CHUNG performs nose job procedures in California to help create an ideal nose shape for patients and further balance the features of the face.
A nose job, also known as Rhinoplasty, is performed by Doctor CHUNG and is a type of cosmetic surgery that is done to reshape the nose for cosmetic reasons but also to help correct structural defects that may cause breathing problems.
Candidates for a nose job are patients of all ages that are in good overall health. Young patients should be in their mid-teens, 15 years old for girls and slightly older for boys, as by this time the nasal bones have fully matured. It is important to maintain realistic expectations going into the surgery and a good, open dialogue with VICTOR CHUNG M.D. regarding results.
A nose job can make a subtle or dramatic change to the appearance of the face depending upon the result desired. Each patient’s treatment goals will be discussed at length to determine exactly what the patient would like and what can realistically be accomplished with the procedure.
As with all cosmetic procedures, VICTOR CHUNG, M.D. will be limited by the internal and external structures of your face but especially with the nose. While it is not possible to create a completely new nose, Dr. VICTOR CHUNG can certainly give you an idea of the improvements which can be made. It is often very helpful to bring pictures from magazines of noses that the patient finds attractive. It is also important to take into consideration the entire face when discussing a nose job procedure because often times it is determined that a weak chin contributes to the illusion that the nose is too large. These patients often choose to have chin augmentation as well, which Dr. CHUNG can perform at the same time as the nose job, if desired.
Doctor VICTOR CHUNG will make an incision either inside the nose or across the skin that separates the nostrils. The cartilage and bone of the nose are then sculpted and reshaped to create the desired profile and look. Then, Doctor VICTOR CHUNG will stitch the skin back into place to complete the nose surgery. The procedure generally lasts about two hours and is normally done on an out patient basis in California.
Again, an open dialogue with VICTOR CHUNG M.D. is essential to a positive outcome. It is important to tell VICTOR CHUNG M.D. if you've had any previous nose surgery or an injury to your nose, even many years ago. It is also important to know of any allergies or breathing difficulties. After the surgery it is normal to be sore. Patients can expect swelling and bruising to last for about a week and “black eyes” are not uncommon. Patients will be instructed to apply cold compresses around, but not directly on, the nose to help with swelling. Bandages are normally removed after about ten days. Discomfort is managed with pain medication and most patients return to work after about two weeks. Patients should keep their head elevated while sleeping and rest as much as possible to aid in the recovery process.
As with all cosmetic procedures, prices vary based on region, the experience of the surgeon, and any other costs associated with the surgery like anesthesia or hospital use. Generally the cost of a nose job in SAN DIEGO is going cost in the $4,000 to $7,000 range depending on how much work is done. Some insurance companies will help pay for this procedure if there is an underlying medical condition that requires surgery to correct, like a breathing problem. Any questions regarding your medical coverage should be addressed with your insurance provider.

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